It is inevitable for state government-linked companies (SGLCs) or state-owned enterprises (SOEs) nowadays to respond ingeniously to many business trials and tribulations. Since these companies faced intense challenges in a very dynamic business environment, this research intends to offer recommendations to address them. Essentially, this exploratory research reviewed the literature relevant to the topic and identified the research gaps to formulate two research propositions for testing this research. The data were collected using in-depth interviews from 19 head of departments in 19 state government-linked companies. The findings indicate several emerging themes such as company policies, leadership, process improvements, consultative attitudes and community engagement are important efforts to heed for improvement in the service delivery system. These findings are useful to trigger other SGLCs and SOEs into achieving successful performance on the service delivery system by paying attention to the provided information.
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In-Text Citation: (Saihani et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Saihani, S. B., Saidon, J., & Rashid, W. E. W. (2021). Understanding State Government-Linked Companies’ Service Delivery System Successful Performance from Employees’ Insights. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(9), 1693–1703.
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