One of the most significant techniques for evaluating employee performance is performance appraisal, which should be aligned with the organization's goals. This topic is vital in providing knowledge on the evolution of performance appraisal research articles. This study aims to assess the publications of research articles on performance appraisal over the past 20 years (2001 to 2020). Hence, the bibliometric analysis method was performed on articles retrieved from the Scopus database and a total of 1976 articles were analysed. Information obtained such as keywords, source type, number of citations, frequently used publication language, famous author and highest published articles. The annual trend indicated that the frequency of performance appraisal studies was the highest in the years 2008 and 2010. Furthermore, the nursing profession and the medical line were the most studied fields concerning performance appraisal compared to the other disciplines. Based on the keyword analysis, the field of study on performance appraisal needs to be further expanded to training, organizational commitment, fairness, general practice, turnover intentions, and COVID-19 pandemic impact performance appraisal. This study also contributed to the scholarly knowledge in performance appraisal and has identified research gaps to be addressed in the future.
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In-Text Citation: (Francis et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Francis, B. R., Ahmad, R. bin, & Abdullah, S. M. binti. (2021). A Bibliometric Analysis on Performance Appraisal. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(9), 1660–1680.
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