Artificial Intelligence (AI) is increasingly hijacking human tasks at different organizational levels; thus, employees need to be skilled in various aspects beyond work limitations and prerequisites. The fourth industrial revolution has catapult this into the work space, which encompasses a combination of different technologies that have gradually led to the blurring of lines between both the physical and digital world. It incessantly plays a pivotal role in how job tasks are conducted and has even aided in revamping the structure of the organization. Some authors contended that AI would primarily replace tasks not jobs. This implies that AI would concentrate more on difficult tasks that may probably require mechanical intelligence. It would furthermore supersede the human labor in analytical intelligence by determining tasks that entail rational thinking skills. With the probability game-changing of digitalization toward dehumanizing people, many areas are needed to unmask the strengths and abilities of employees. While AI experts are incessantly designing machines to imitate human skills including problem-solving, task-execution, to mention a few, it is however useful and reasonable to explore for employees’ survival after the widespread emergence of AI machines. The capability of AI in data-processing requests for massive employees’ concentration on preparing individuals toward understanding data, interpreting results and making decisions. Employees would solely be remembered in the era of AI if extraordinary skills that may not be discharged by AI machines are cultivated. In this regard, this paper attempts to unveil AI and employees’ relevance in addition to the valuable and lucrative areas for employees in the immediate future.
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In-Text Citation: (Wilson & Syed, 2021)
To Cite this Article: Wilson, N., & Syed, H. H. (2021). Employees Relevancy Following The Emergence of Artificial Intelligence (AI). International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(9), 1569–1577.
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