Performance measurement has become very important and popular for industries which vital in oil palm estate as it the ways to better decision making in managements. The aim of this paper is to investigate the most dominant element in influencing the employee’s performance. In this survey, the elements are salary, amenity, and technical training. This study was involved 105 workers that works at Kota Marudu, Sabah. The data has been collected through structural distribution close ended questionnaire. Then being analysis using SPSS. The analysis. The result show that factor of employees’ performance were salary, safety, amenities, and training. The most dominant factor is training which affecting their performance with Beta value is 0.301. It shows that the training is the most important in increase their performances. Despite the above limitations, we believe that this study provides a contribution to the literature. In addition, the results of the study will provide a better understand the concept of employee’s productivity. The findings reported here can be used by the estate managers to be more particular to all these factors especially salary. Wages or salaries must be competitive as compared with other economic sector and commensurate with the nature of plantation work, which is quite heavy, difficult, dangerous, and challenging. In the current situation, wage of RM1,100 is no longer appropriate
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In-Text Citation: (Marcus et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Marcus, R., Zulkefli, F., Rakibe, I., Khairuddin, M. N., Sani, S., & Syahlan, S. (2021). Elements Boosting on Employees’ Performance in Sabah Oil Palm Estate. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(9), 1559–1568.
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