Nowadays, ethics is seen as a key concern in the majority of occupations. The process of assessing and choosing among options in accordance with ethical standards is referred to as ethical decision-making. Consultant quantity surveyors (CQSs) must have ethical decision-making (EDM) knowledge in order to perform their jobs successfully and safeguard the client's interests in the building project. As a result, as construction industry experts, CQSs must devise ways to avoid corrupt activities while working with EDM. The study emphasises the notion of ethical decision-making among CQSs for this goal, as well as providing an overview and critical review of a body of literature relevant to the research issue. The present study highlighted some important factors that leads to ethical-decision making such as compliance with code of ethics and religiosity. It is believed that it would push managers and governments to create programmes to help CQSs acquire ethical decision-making skills early in their careers.
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In-Text Citation: (Hashim et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Hashim, N. A., Ismail, I. A., Omar, Z., & Idris, K. (2021). A Review Paper: Adherence To Ethical Decision-Making in Consultant Quantity Surveyor’s Practice. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(9), 1497–1505.
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