International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Cyberbullying in Digital Media: An Islamic Perspective

Open access

Mohammad Fahmi Abdul Hamid, Khairul Azhar Meerangani, Ahmad Arif Zulkefli, S Salahudin Suyurno, Mohd Khairul Nizam Mohd Aziz, Mohammad Najiy Muhammad Jefri

Pages 1454-1465 Received: 05 Jul, 2021 Revised: 28 Aug, 2021 Published Online: 17 Sep, 2021
Malaysia is the 9th country to record the most active use of social media in the world, which is almost 80 % of its total population. This widespread use of the internet exposes every individual to ethical violations that can eventually lead to cyberbullying. This act is increasingly becoming a culture among netizens by making an individual as a joke in order to gain attention and pleasure on social media. On that basis, the government has introduced the Communications and Multimedia Act 1998 to monitor offenses that exist on social media, especially involving cyber mediums. Thus, this study aims to identify the behavior of cyber bullying in digital media and analyze this act according to the Islamic perspective. The study was conducted qualitatively using the library method by analyzing the texts of the Quran and Hadith as well as the discussions of Muslim scholars related to the practice of cyber bullying. In addition, content analysis methods are also performed on some digital media to examine the behavior of cyber bullying that occurs in digital media. This cyber bullying although in one sense gives pleasure to the perpetrators, but this act is actually immoral and illegal. In fact, it is also forbidden by Islam regardless of the background of each victim. Therefore, digital media users should display good manners and ethics in interacting, especially through cyber platforms to create a more harmonious and secure digital ecosystem.
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In-Text Citation: (Hamid et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Hamid, M. F. A., Meerangani, K. A., Zulkefli, A. A., Suyurno, S. S., Aziz, M. K. N. M., & Jefri, M. N. M. (2021). Cyberbullying in Digital Media: An Islamic Perspective. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(9), 1454–1465.