The aim of this paper is to review the relationship between total quality management and organizational performance in Azman Hashim International Business School. The paper is prepared by reviewing the relevant literatures on total quality management and organizational performance. The paper provides a framework based on total quality management (strategic planning, management leadership, people management, and continuous improvement) and organizational performance. Total quality management framework can be viewed as a strategic approach to improve the mechanism and output of an organization. The framework will provide a guide for the implementation of total quality management and organizational performance in Azman Hashim International Business School.
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In-Text Citation: (Arsat & Fuzi, 2021)
To Cite this Article: Arsat, S. A., & Fuzi, N. M. (2021). Total Quality Management Practices on Organizational Performance in Azman Hashim International Business School. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(9), 1432–1437.
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