International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Al-Wujuh Wal-Nada’ir in the Qur’an: Homonyms or Interpretive Accounts

Open access

Muhammad Habib Abubakar, Mohamed Fathy Mohamed Abdelgelil, Ahmad Fauzi Hassan, Reda Owis Hassan Serour, Najmiah Omar

Pages 1381-1386 Received: 07 Jul, 2021 Revised: 26 Jul, 2021 Published Online: 15 Sep, 2021
Tafsir was initially compiled along with the science of Hadith in the early phase of Islamic history and later separated as a distinct field. Afterwards, Islamic scholars wrote purposely on the repeated words that have multiple connotations, to clarify the literal association of the Quranic wording under the so-called “Al-Wujuh wal-Nadair”, "Al-Ashbah wal-Nada’ir or "The same wording but different meanings". Linguistics, however, criticized such works for treating the repeated terms as homonyms. This paper tends to identify the basis upon which al-Wujuh wal-Nada’ir books compiled, and led the writers to refer to various meanings for a single word. The data collected through library research by tracing the related literature, and deductive approach was employed for analysis. The paper concluded that the compilation of al-Wujuh wal-Nada’ir was based upon tafsir and ta’awil, not homonymy. Therefore, Wujuh can be regarded as any other interpretive narrations.
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In-Text Citation: (Abubakar et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Abubakar, M. H., Abdelgelil, M. F. M., Hassan, A. F., Serour, R. O. H., & Omar, N. (2021). Al-Wujuh Wal-Nada’ir in the Qur’an: Homonyms or Interpretive Accounts. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(9), 1381–1386.