International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Critical Success Factors of Business Growth among Women Entrepreneurs in Malaysia: A Qualitative Approach

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This article examines the critical success factors of business growth among women entrepreneurs. In Malaysia, women have been given significant contributions to their participation in entrepreneurship activities. However, the economic potentials of woman entrepreneurs remain to be tapped. Hence, it is important to identify what are the factors that contribute to the slow business growth pattern to assist them to grow better. This study adopts purposive and snowball sampling. Several criteria that were considered include first, the samples must be well-educated women holding at least a diploma certificate, second, they are married and third, they are involved in any kind of business. The data and information collected will be thematically analysed using the ATLAS.ti software. The result showed that the first place of critical success factors of business growth among women entrepreneurs in Malaysia is contributed by limited access to financial resources followed by unskilful workers, imbalance family and business responsibilities, and lack of training. This study is conducted on women entrepreneurs in a selected state of Malaysia. Since this study applied a qualitative approach, the limitations include the results may not be representative of all women entrepreneurs. Hence, the conclusion is not generalisable. The finding from this study, therefore, demonstrated that empowering women entrepreneurs require effective cooperation from all parties including the government and other agencies to ensure the inclusiveness of all entrepreneurs. These assistances may be in terms of capital or finance, business advice, education, and training programmes.
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In-Text Citation: (Wahid et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Wahid, N. A., Aziz, N. N. A., Ishak, M., & Hussin, A. (2021). The Critical Success Factors of Business Growth among Women Entrepreneurs in Malaysia: A Qualitative Approach. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(9), 1352–1366.