Covid-19 pandemic has inflicted to the worldwide with the major impact towards economy, health, security, education and community development. The increasing cases throughout the years have caused various drastic changes in people’s daily life. Among those affected by this pandemic are Muslim front line workers and the aspect affected is the act of worship. They are required to wear Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for 12-18 hours per day. The guidebook and fatwa has been issued by the authorities which describes the performance and acts of worship for frontline workers and Covid-19 patients. However, the guidebook and fatwa does not provide with detailed explanation in visual infographic. Hence, i-Rukhsah can be a finest alternative to understand precisely by front line workers. It will be delivered in the form of infographic that explained worship guide for frontline workers. There are two objectives for i-rukhsah product; first, to identify the best practice in the tayamum method while wearing PPE attire, and second, to propose a worship guideline of infographic for frontline workers. This study employed qualitative method through library research and visual technique. I-Rukhsah is an infographic that easy to understand accurately as a worship guideline. In fact, the article also proposed tayammun practice by employing khuf as a method of purification. The innovation and uniqueness of this product illustrated with detailed information on worship procedures in the form of digital video with QR Code access. As the outcome, i-Rukhsah will bring a huge impact to the society with beneficial values as worship guideline to frontline workers during new normative environment around the world.
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In-Text Citation: (Fazial et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Fazial, F., Ismail, M. S. I., Akhir, N. S. M., Khalis, F. M., & Subri, S. (2021). I-Rukhsah: A Purification and Prayer Infographic for Frontline Workers. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(9), 1321–1327.
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