The rationale of this study was to identify the unique features of Ibn Masoud’s qira?ah and how different it is from other mutawatir (successive) qira?at in the way it uses addition, omission, or change which may affect the meanings of the Quranic verse. This study aims to highlight what singled out Ibn Masoud’s qira?ah from other qira?at. The study adopted the descriptive analytical approch to analyze this Qira’ah. The study reveals the several significant findings. It showsthat the unique features of Ibn Masoud's qira?ah took various forms. For example, addition is sometimes applied by adding words or letters that have their explanatory and linguistic meanings and connotations. This addition can be in accordance with the rules of the Arabic language, or it can take the form of an interpretation, indicating the meaning. The verbal addition or expansion which is unique to Ibn Masoud’s qira?ah has a clarification purpose while keeping the original meaning intact. Moreover, addition by bringing forward or delaying words had many benefits for the interpretation of the Quran and the language as it complied with the rules set by many prominent expert language scholars. Furthermore, it provides the Quran commentators with more explanatory meanings. On the other hand, Ibn Masu’d’s Qira’ah includes omission where a letter or word are taken out from the target text while keeping the meaning linguistically intact and sound. As for changing the words and their meanings, Ibn Masoud’s qira?ah is uniquely characterized by replacing a word with its synonym in the text; mostly for the purpose of clarification and assimilation. Ibdal (permutation) is used by the qira?ah due to two factors; dialects, and sounds. It is based on the difference in dialects, as Ibn Masoud’s qira?ah represents one of the old Arabic dialects; namely the dialect of the Hudhayl tribe. Ibdal in the Qur’anic qira?at is not less important than the study of sounds and dialects.
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In-Text Citation: (Binselem et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Binselem, A. S. A., Abdelgelil, M. F. M., Subagio, M. H. M., Hassan, A. F., & Mohd, Z. (2021). The Importance of the Unique and Distinguishable Features of Ibn Masoud’s Qira?ah (Recitation) Compared to other Qira?at (Recitations). International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(9), 1185–1189.
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