International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Roles of Hisbah Commission and its Challenges in the Zamfara State of Nigeria

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The main purpose of the establishment of hisbah in Islam is to ensure public well-being by performing the function of promoting good and preventing evil. Yet, the reality is that there are many challenges have to be faced by hisbah authority, especially in modern and pluralistic society. To overcome all these challenges, identification steps need to be done first. This paper aims to identify the major challenges faced by the institution of hisbah in carrying out its functions in the state of Zamfara, Nigeria. To achieve this goal, the library research methodology will be conducted specifically by collecting data from various written sources such as books, articles in scientific journals, research reports and even responsible daily newspapers. In addition, field studies, especially in-depth interviews with relevant key figures were also conducted to strengthen the data obtained from the literature review. The results show that there are four main challenges in the implementation of hisbah in Zamfara state, namely legal conflicts, lack of coordination of duties with the police force, negative public perception and lack of funds.
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Figure A, A key hisbah personnel interviewed on 27 March 2018 as at 2:40 pm.
Figure B, A Chairman of the hotel owner's association interviewed on 26/4/2018 as at 2:30 pm.
Figure C, The Chairman of National Union of Road Transport Workers, Zamfara chapter, interviewed on 25/4/2018 as at 10:30 am.
In-Text Citation: (Abubakar & Abdullah, 2021)
To Cite this Article: Abubakar, R. S., & Abdullah, A. H. (2021). The Roles of Hisbah Commission and its Challenges in the Zamfara State of Nigeria. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(9), 1111–1121.