This study was conducted to study the effect of extracted silica content in polyaniline silica composite towards corrosion protection of mild steel in 2 M hydrochloric acid. The silica was extracted from paddy husk by incineration method at 800ºC for 5 hours in a muffle furnace. The white ash formed was then treated with NaOH to obtain trisilicate, which was then treated further with H2SO4 to obtain silica precipitate on the top of the solution. Polyaniline (PANI) was prepared by in situ polymerizations of aniline, HCl and potassium dichromate. The polyaniline silica composite (PSC) was prepared by adding the extracted silica, weighing 0.2g (PSC 0.2), 0.4g (PSC 0.4) and 0.6 g (PSC 0.6), into the synthesized PANI. The extracted silica, PANI and PSC 0.6, were characterized by FTIR analysis. The presence of extracted silica is supported by the FTIR analysis. The corrosion protection performance of PANI, PSC 0.2, PSC 0.4 and PSC 0.6 was then compared by immersing the bare mild steel, mild steel coated with PANI and mild steel coated with PSC 0.2, PSC 0.4, and PSC 0.6 in 2 M HCl for 24 hours. The weight loss method was used in this study to investigate the corrosion behaviour of the samples. PCS 0.6 revealed the lowest corrosion rate, which was 0.95 g. The corrosion protection of PSC coating increases directly proportional to the silica contents in PSC. The temperature study showed as the temperature increased, the corrosion rate will also be increased. This occurred due to the rise of kinetic energy as a higher temperature was used. PSC 0.6 showed the best protection even at a high temperature compared to other samples. FESEM analysis was also conducted to observe the surface properties of the sample when immersed in HCl solution.
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In-Text Citation: (Tarmizi et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Tarmizi, A. A. A., Dali, M. N. H. M., & Mamauod, S. N. L. (2021). Effect of Coating Mild Steel with Polyaniline Added Extracted Silica from Rice Husks and Its Corrosion Behaviour in Hydrochloric Acid Solution. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(9), 1102–1110.
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