International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Driving Youth Participation in Agriculture: A Synopsis of the Influence of Existing Agricultural Policies in Selected Counties in Kenya

Open access
Agriculture is the backbone of Kenya’s economy, contributing (24%) of the GDP. The Agricultural Sector Development Strategy showed that the sector accounts for (65%) of Kenya’s total exports and provides more than (18%) of formal employment, (70%) of informal employment. It provides livelihood to (80%) of the Kenyan population. The Government of Kenya is committed to reducing hunger and malnutrition. To end hunger, achieve food security, improve nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture as specified in (SDG2), the Government launched the ‘Big 4 Agenda’. These include strategies to build self-reliance, reduce chronic food insecurity. During the quarter under review, there was heightened Agricultural activity that significantly anchored the overall economic performance. The low response to National and County Governments incentives suggests that these efforts have not been met with buy-in of the Youth. The institutional, social, and infrastructural investments have not produced the expected in-flow of the Youth into the Agricultural sector. Under-investigated determinant like Agricultural Policies are perceived to influence Youth Participation. This study sought to explore the influence of these determinant on the dependent variable. Employing a descriptive survey design and inferential statistics as tools of analysis, with a sample size of 194 respondents drawn from (7) Kenyan Counties. A simple linear regression was applied, whereby the independent variable (Agricultural Policies) was regressed against the dependent variable (Participation of Youth in Agriculture). Agricultural Polices did have a statistically significant influence on Youth Participation. It emerged that there were no actively supportive policies on Youth Participation in Agriculture. No pricing policies; absence of Youth specific safeguard policies against competition among others. The study recommends that the National and County Governments through their respective Agricultural authorities (Ministries/Departments) develop intervention strategies policies and services to pull Agricultural Oriented Youth through provision of kinds of capital and initiate the use of extension services.
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In-Text Citation: (Laban et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Laban, M. C., Anthony, W. K., & Elias, O. B. (2021). Driving Youth Participation in Agriculture: A Synopsis of the Influence of Existing Agricultural Policies in Selected Counties in Kenya. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(9), 923–946.