Covid-19 pandemic has changed the operating system in Higher Education Institutions in Malaysia. New norms had been implemented to face the situation of the pandemic. The academic system must go on so that the students will not be left behind. Open and Distance Learning (ODL) which is generally known as online education or E-Learning plays a vital role in the country's education system. The aim of this study is to examine the factors that influence the e-learning acceptance of students in UiTM City Campus Melaka as perceived by the students. This study utilized a quantitative research approach and the data has been collected through questionnaires. Students undertaking Strategic Management subject were chosen as a population and the sample size was 117. To answer the objective of this study, Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS) was used. The finding of this study shows respondents agree that the use of e-learning on the Strategic Management course gives ease for them during this ODL. Students perceived that the most important factor influencing online learning is the instructor. This is followed by accessibility and university support. This finding is important to the university to strategize and make plans in enhancing the implementation of e-learning for their students. Since this study focuses on the students from UiTM City Campus Melaka, it is suggested that future research to extend this study to a bigger scope that include other UiTM branches, public universities or private universities.
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In-Text Citation: (Ismail et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Ismail, W. I., Latif, R. A., & Othman, M. I. (2021). Students’ Perception towards Online Distance Learning(ODL) during COVID-19 Pandemic in Undergraduate Students of Faculty of Health Science. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(9), 868–877.
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