International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Islamic Aesthetic Values in Principle of Symmetry through Malay Traditional Painting

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This paper is to identify and analyze the concept of Islamic art through the principle of symmetry in traditional Malay art paintings. The objective of this research is also to study the factor that connects the aesthetic aspects of Islam to describe the concept of symmetry exists through the beauty of design patterns in the work of paintings. They contain pictures of Muslim-Malay as the national Cultural Policy in the manifestations of 1971.This study analyses the artworks through different qualitative demand with descriptive interdisciplinary implementation. The focus of symmetry features purposely to classify pattern designs of paint works that involves repetitions. The collection of written and visual data is made through methods of documentation, visual recording, and observer to obtain information on the subject, design and work of the paintings studied. The findings of the study show the value of aesthetic beauty in Islamic art which is defined through symmetric analysis underlying the design of paintings to apply pattern design that displays the value of beauty. The implications of the study show that the work of painting can not only be seen in terms of appreciation of art, but can also be seen from the content of symmetry through the application of features that exist in the work.
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In-Text Citation: (Rahim et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Rahim, R. S. @ A., Samsudin, M. R., & Alim, M. M. (2021). Islamic Aesthetic Values in Principle of Symmetry through Malay Traditional Painting. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(9), 774–782.