This paper aims to examine clearly about the concept of symmetry that exists in paintings through the principle of repetition in art. The main focus of the study is to explore the relationship between the formalistic aspects of art and symmetry through the design of patterns and motifs in The Boundaries’ painting by Ruzaika Omar Basaree. He applied the Malay traditional images by using the sculpture’s art on wood carving. Symmetry features are examined to classify the combination of repetitive patterns in paintings through series of transformations that include four basics of repetition, namely translation, rotation, reflection and glide reflection. These processes form a structure known as the frieze symmetry group where it covers the seven basics of frieze patterns. Frieze pattern is a pattern on a two-dimensional surface that repeats in one direction in a single strip. The written and visual data collection in this study uses descriptive qualitative approach that involves the design of artworks analysis study based on empirically fieldwork for the data obtained. Methods of documentation, visual recording and observation were used to collect information about the paintings studied. The results showed The Boundaries’ paintings by Ruzaika Omar Basaree have implemented elements of wood carving in Malay traditional construction that showed symmetrical design. The concepts used in the study underlie the subject, design and aesthetic meaning to classify the pattern of paintings by using symmetrical transformation process. Implications from the study show that paintings that are looked from the view of art appreciation can also be seen through the repetitive geometric system and reflection of images forming interesting combination of compositions, not only can be seen from the formalistic point of view of art alone.
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In-Text Citation: (Rahim & Alim, 2021)
To Cite this Article: Rahim, R. S. @ A., & Alim, M. M. (2021). Symmetry Analysis in Design of Traditional Malay Paintings through Principle of Repeating Patterns. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(9), 763–773.
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