International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


A Conceptual Framework of Ergonomic Risks Among Higher Education Lecturers While Working from Home During the Covid-19 Pandemic Crisis

Open access
The pandemic Covid-19 crisis has changed our lives, where many of us spending much more time in our homes including working. The growth of working from home has changed workers’ perspectives on the nature of their jobs and it will have long-lasting impacts. Previous research on the impact of Covid-19 across the world focused mostly on certain conditions like as the economic crisis, psychological trauma, and unemployment stress instead of the impact on physical health and well-being. Previous studies have already highlighted professionals are suffering from different body aches and pains due to improper ergonomics. The increasing prevalence of laptop use which has replaced the desk computer culture at work, allowing a variety of postures while working. These changing postures put the musculoskeletal system under tremendous unwanted loads and the result is bodily aches and pain with the spine bearing the utmost burnt. However, there are lack of studies focusing on lecturers in higher learning institutions, even though most educational institutions permitting workforces to work from home (WfH) through online distance classes. Thus, two objectives are established which are; to review the WfH related activities affected to MSDs experience among workforce and to proposed a conceptual framework of ergonomics risk among higher education lecturer while WfH during the Covid-19 Pandemic Crisis. This proposed model will help the healthcare professionals and stakeholders to devise a plan, prevention, and treatment for this professional group. It is hoped that this research will benefit for well-being of people and families in Malaysia and simultaneously enhance the quality of life.
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In-Text Citation: (Lop et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Lop, N. S., Kamar, I. F. M., & Mustapa, N. A. (2021). A Conceptual Framework of Ergonomic Risks Among Higher Education Lecturers While Working from Home During the Covid-19 Pandemic Crisis. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(9), 732–745.