This study aims to explore how the family environment and coping skills are associated to self-injurious behavior and suicide attemps among adolescents. This study uses a systematic literature review method. A total of 18 articles journal, published between 2012 and 2020, were referred and has been systematically analyzed. The findings indicate that parental involvement and social support have a significant influence on psychological well-being among adolescents. Coping skills are an important component of social behavior and in forming individuals with positive resilience. Resilience is a factor that can help individuals maintain psychosocial adaptation throughout stressful situations. In this study, the psychological well being of person was an important aspect that can affect adolescents’ mental health. Family environmental factors are often associate with the causes of self-injurious behaviors and suicide attempts. Family financial problems have a significant influence on the suicidal behavior of adolescents. Self-injurious behaviors as lacking coping skills is related as a self-control mechanism in situations perceived as stressful. Individuals who conceal this will suffer more stress and if the action is repeated, the risk of suicidal ideas will be induced. For future research, this study suggests conducting an experimental research design and module development related to preventon and ttreatment of suicidal phenomenom throught the identification of risk group in Malaysia.
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In-Text Citation: (Zaini et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Zaini, Z., Johari, K. S. K., & Amat, M. I. (2021). Family Environment and Coping Skills for Self-Injurious Behavior and Suicide Attempt among Adolescents. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(9), 499–510.
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