International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


A Conceptual Paper on the Role of Cohesion as a Moderator on the Relationship Between Citizenship Behavior and Withdrawal Behaviour

Open access

Shaiful Annuar Khalid, Norshimah Abdul Rahman, Ahmad Nizan Mat Noor, Mohd Rizaimy Shaharudin

Pages 348-358 Received: 03 Jul, 2021 Revised: 27 Jul, 2021 Published Online: 10 Sep, 2021
This paper aims to propose a theoretical framework to study cohesiveness as a moderator for the relationship between organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) and withdrawal behaviours. Group and organizational performance can be influenced by employees’ behaviours, both in-role and extra-role (OCB). Although most studies have examined the factors that contribute to OCB, there are also studies that have proven that OCB also has a positive impact on the performance of individuals, groups and organizations. One of the gaps in the current OCB literature is to study the role of possible moderator variables that can influence the relationship between OCB and criterion variables. This paper is conceptual in nature by trying to develop a framework that connects between OCB and withdrawal behaviour where the moderator is cohesiveness. The central explanation of why the individuals’ level of OCB may influence their withdrawal behaviours can be drawn from the general cognitive consistency theory which suggests that individuals try to align their behaviours, beliefs and attitudes. Employees with high level of OCBs are likely to report lower levels of withdrawal behaviors consistent with the cognitive consistency theory. Additionally, social exchange interactions are likely to be lower where cohesiveness is weaker. An employee may not sense a commitment to reciprocate any forms of OCB exhibited by others in the group. This reasoning reinforces the likelihood that the amount of cohesiveness in work groups will be related to the general amount of OCB shown by group members.
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In-Text Citation: (Khalid et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Khalid, S. A., Rahman, N. A., Noor, A. N. M., & Shaharudin, M. R. (2021). A Conceptual Paper on the Role of Cohesion as a Moderator on the Relationship Between Citizenship Behavior and Withdrawal Behaviour. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(9), 348–358.