The main objective of this study is to compare factors that effecting entrepreneur intention of higher Education Institute (HEI) students between B40 family with M40 and T20 family in Melaka. Factors such as initiative, seek on opportunities, act on opportunities, information seeking, concern for high quality of work, commitment to work contract, efficiency orientation, systematic planning, problem solving, self-confidence and assertiveness are tested the correlation with entrepreneur intention. A total of 475 respondents were collected to give their response, where 316 respondents came from B40 family and 159 respondents from M40 and T20 family around HEI in Melaka. Data collection method using structured questionnaire and deliver to respondents by google form apps. The comparative study includes the level of entrepreneur intention for both groups. Hypotheses testing of factors toward entrepreneur intention for both group also tested. At the end, researcher seek comparative analysis the dominant factor that effecting entrepreneur intention among students for both groups. The research finding show that the level of entrepreneur intention among students from M40 and T20 family is higher than students from B40 family. Finding also state that all factors have positive significant relationship with entrepreneur intention for both group but in different situation. Two factors are most dominant factor toward entrepreneur intention for student from M40 and T20. While for students from B40, there are four factors most dominant toward entrepreneur intention. As conclusion, the university can focus to certain factors for both groups of student to improve entrepreneur intention among them.
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In-Text Citation: (Harun et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Harun, N., Aziz, N. E. M., Ahmad, N. H., Royali, S. B. A., Tamrin, M. B., & Ilyas, I. Y. B. (2021). Comparative Study: Factors that Influence Entrepreneur Intention Between B40 and M40. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(9), 283–292.
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