Over the Top (OTT) services have become an essential and interesting medium in creating awareness on news and knowledge especially to the COVID-19 pandemic. OTT delivers audio, video streaming, voice and chat services. “Stay at Home” can be classified as health-related behaviour and this behaviour is originated from the intention to participate in that specific behaviour. In order for the citizen to follow the orders, a person needs to have the intention to obey the “Stay at Home” orders during the pandemic. News has reported that citizens detained at roadblocks gave reasons such as “just walking around, tired of staying at home, buying goods and various reasons”. Thus, this study aims to examine the information of COVID-19 on OTT services that will affect people’s intention to follow the “Stay at Home” orders. This study used theory of planned behaviour by Ajzen (1985) with three important variables that are attitude towards behaviour, subjective norms, and perceived control behaviours. 352 respondents were selected among the citizens in Klang district via online survey which was analysed through a covariance-based structural equation model. The findings supported the idea that information of COVID-19 on OTT services give impact to Klang’s citizens to follow the “Stay at Home” orders. The hypotheses showed a positive and significant effect on the intention to follow the “Stay at Home” orders; attitude towards behaviour (?=.267, p<.001), subjective norms (?=.166, p<.05) and perceived behavioural control (?=.261, p<.001). The results also improved our knowledge and understanding in a mission to inform OTT services can be as part of the educational approach in creating awareness and giving information. In conclusion, the research framework of theory of planned behaviour is a good theoretical medium to confirmed factors that influence citizens to follow the intention to “Stay at Home”.
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In-Text Citation: (Latiff & Kamal, 2021)
To Cite this Article: Latiff, D. I. A., & Kamal, S. (2021). Information of Covid-19 on Ott Services Influences the Intention to Follow “The Stay at Home” Orders. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(9), 257–270.
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