International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Acceptance of Oil Palm Innovation Among Smallholder Farmers in East Malaysia

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Palm oil is an important cash crop for Malaysia and determining the factors affecting the diffusion of this cash crop is considered a viable strategy for attracting farmers to take up palm oil farming. Hence, a study to determine acceptance of oil palm innovation is very important as it will provide insights into the factors that influence acceptance, thereby informing the authorities concern of steps to take to improve acceptance. This study measured the influence of palm oil innovation characteristics, the level of knowledge, social system and communication channels towards acceptance of agricultural innovation among smallhoder palm oil farmers. Diffusion of Innovation Theory is adopted in formulating the theoretical framework to measure how the palm oil innovation is diffused among the smallholder farming community. This study employed a quantitative approach to obtain data from smallholder farmers in an area in Sarawak, East Malaysia. A survey using questionnaire was used to collect data from ninety nine (99) sampled respondents representing the smallhoder palm oil farmers. The questionnaire variables and items were mainly measured using 5-point likert scale. Both inferential and descriptive analysis were used to analyse the data. From the findings, only the characteristics of innovation and communication channels significantly influenced the acceptance of oil palm innovation among the farmers in the East Coast of Malaysia. However, the influence of communication channels was negative. This implies, in diffusing an innovation among traditional farmers, characteristics of the innovation should be the main focus. Meanwhile, the use of communication channels to diffuse innovation, especially radio and new media for development should be geared up as an aspect of development communication. Future research could replicate the study to include other parts of Malaysia in other to compare best practices for oil palm innovation acceptance.
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In-Text Citation: (Saad & Salman, 2021)
To Cite this Article: Saad, S., & Salman, A. (2021). Acceptance of Oil Palm Innovation Among Smallholder Farmers in East Malaysia. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(9), 165–184.