Public servants’ quality of service delivery and administration is manifested through the effectiveness of good governance practices. The public servants ought to develop the applicable future-ready human skills since the public servant is closely connected with citizens, creates trust and is aware of others’ perspectives on issues. This article reviews works to distinctly determine the future-ready human skills towards the effectiveness of good governance practices. The relevant papers are obtained and scrutinized for relevance that primarily relates to the effectiveness of good governance practices, followed by a literature review to describe the underpinning theory; Katz’s Three-Skill Approach describes humans skills as one of the three different skills for a successful management process. This article has developed a conceptual framework concerning leadership and social influence, emotional intelligence, and adaptability as future-ready human skills that enable public servants to occupy engagement roles with citizens. The public servant human skills will improve performance and embrace the sustainability of public service environments for better good governance practices, especially for future endurance. This finding assists academics and practitioners in adopting methods for identifying the future-ready skills that improve management actions, organizational performance and human resource development initiatives.
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In-Text Citation: (Mahmood & Baskaran, 2021)
To Cite this Article: Mahmood, Z., & Baskaran, S. (2021). Identifying the Future-Ready Human Skills towards the Effectiveness of Good Governance Practices: A Conceptual Framework. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(10), 1221–1229.
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