Waqf as one of the sources of Islamic economic system has historically made significant contributions to educational institutions in Egypt, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia. Waqf has also made a significant contribution in Malaysia, with many public universities demonstrating progress in waqf higher education setting. The desire of the community to contribute and sustain the availability of the necessary resources have made this possible. The rising expenses over the next decade in delivering a higher quality education has increased the government spending on higher education, which require all public and private universities to become more independent and develop their own funding strategies to ease the burden caused by economics depreciation. To access to financial funding, waqf in higher education must first adhere to its intangible resources to encourage public desire to contribute to waqf education fund and operational setting. The current study aims to conceptually examine how intangible resources influence waqif's willingness to contribute to the waqf education fund. The role of intangible resources in Resource Based View (RBV) theory is extracted to emphasis factors that influence the willingness to contribute in waqf education setting. The RBV previously is primarily concerned with the resources and competencies that give an organisation a competitive advantage and influence its performance. However, the current study concentrates on intangible assets from the perspective of an individual. Thus, the resources in RBV theory used in this study has defined human performance in terms of commitment and trust. It is then translated into a finding using a research framework, leading to hypothesis testing and be extremely useful in guiding future empirical research.
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In-Text Citation: (Musa et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Musa, W. R. W., Rasool, M. S. A., & Ibrahim, S. S. (2021). The Role of Intangible Resources for Waqf in Higher Education: A Conceptual Review. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(10), 1213– 1220.
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