Caregiver at Pusat Dalam Komuniti (PDK) around Malaysia are responsible to take care of differently-abled children. Most of them are contributing their energy on voluntary basis. They may be at risk of stress similar to other health-related helping professions. This research examines the relationship between the knowledge, self-efficacy, and psychology distress experienced by caregivers at PDK within Penang. 32 caregiver trainees between the ages of 22 to 55 years old attended a Knowledge Transfer Program delivered by a certified occupational therapist. A questionnaire was provided at the end of the program to measure their knowledge, self-efficacy, and psychological stress. Pearson correlation shows a significant positive relationship between knowledge and self-efficacy (r = .308, p < .05) and more specifically with procedural efficacy (r = 468, p < .05). Moreover, a significant positive correlation was also found between support request efficacy and psychological distress (r = .362, p < .05). The findings suggest the importance of increasing the knowledge of caregivers especially in health-related helping profession through various programs to increase their belief of their ability to care for the differently-abled children and consequently safeguard the caregivers’ well-being.
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In-Text Citation: (Mustafa et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Mustafa, Q. M., Muhsain, S. N. F., Azri, M. A., Ilias, K., & Shaharudin, M. I. (2021). The Relationship between Knowledge, Self-Efficacy, and Psychological Distress among Pdk Committees in Penang: A Preliminary Study. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(10), 1164– 1172.
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