This study aims to construct, to acquire the content validity and reliability of Major Depressive Disorder Inventory (MDDI). The MDDI is designed to measure the brief self-assessment of major depression experienced by the individual. level of depression among people. Basic principle construction of MDDI is based on American Psychiatric Association (APA) in Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Edition (DSM-5) (2022). This inventory contains 18 items and is divided into 9 sub-scales which contain 2 items in each sub-scales; 1 positive and 1 negative item. Sub-scale 1: Prolong sadness; Sub-scale 2: Loss of interest; Sub-scale 3: Body weight changes; Sub-scale 4: Extreme sleep pattern; Sub-scale 5: Psychomotor agitation / retardation; Sub-scale 6: Fatigue / lethargic; Sub-scale 7: Feelings of worthlessness; Sub-scale 8: Lack of concentration; and Sub-scale 9: Recurrent suicidal thoughts. The content validity of DMI was evaluated by 7 experts (N = 7) consisting of 3 academic experts and 4 practitioners. A total of 40 samples were selected among 13 to 17 years old individuals to obtain the reliability value. The overall validity of MDDI is 18 at 75.50%. The overall reliability value shows a high value of 0.850. Hence, this study has successfully developed a questionnaire (MDDI) which has good validity and reliability values for use in the field of guidance and counseling in Malaysia.
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