Emotional intelligence is essential in increasing the competency of Guidance and Counselling Teachers (GCT) in students' social-emotional development. In addition, a high level of GCT leadership intervention will influence students’ social-emotional development. This research is done to observe the relationship between students’ social-emotional development and GCT’s leadership intervention in the social-emotional development of secondary school students in Selangor. This study utilizes a quantitative research design investigating 350 secondary school counsellors in Selangor. Participants were chosen based on the purposive sampling method on GCT who have handled issues regarding students’ social-emotional development and have served for 10 years or more. GCT implements interventions concerning the goals of the students and interventions in the shape of forming a strong relationship with anyone of importance. Lastly, GCT and the students reform themselves towards a better disposition. This research, which can be used as a guide for GCT, has implications for the implementation of the intervention in the social-emotional development of the students.
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