International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Gender Differences in Motivational Factors for Japanese Language Learning

Open access
Motivation plays an important role in language acquisition, and understanding how it varies between genders can enhance teaching and learning practices. This study explored gender differences in motivational factors influencing foreign language learning. Data were collected from 201 respondents from university students using a questionnaire that assessed six motivational factors: intrinsic goal orientation, extrinsic goal orientation, task value, learning beliefs, self-efficacy and performance, and test anxiety toward Japanese language learning. The finding revealed both genders are motivated to learn language for exploring Japanese culture and future career. The students also belief that their strongest skill is listening skill. A good listening skill is important for learners to be successful in communication in a foreign language. There are no significant gender differences in overall motivation factors. Both genders demonstrate higher levels of mean on extrinsic goal orientation, task value, self-efficacy and performance than intrinsic goal orientation, self-beliefs and test anxiety. However, the analysis showed female students have a slightly higher mean than male student in each motivational factor. These findings suggest that there is the need for flexible approaches on teaching and learning language to optimize Japanese language learning outcomes for both genders.
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