The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and automation into Human Resource Management (HRM) is redefining organizational operations and employee management. AI simulates cognitive functions such as decision-making and pattern recognition, and automation enables tasks to be completed with minimal human input. Together, these technologies hold significant potential for enhancing HR efficiency, especially in recruitment, performance evaluations, and employee engagement. As AI advances, its economic impact is projected to reach substantial levels, transforming sectors globally, including HR.In Kenya, early adopters like Safaricom and KCB Bank utilize AI to streamline HR processes, but widespread implementation remains limited, particularly in smaller firms, due to infrastructural challenges, low digital literacy, and high costs. Moreover, concerns over job displacement, data privacy, and potential biases in AI systems hinder adoption. Kenyan organizations face barriers in regulatory frameworks that are still developing to adequately address data security and ethical concerns in AI use. Globally, companies in developed countries like the U.S., U.K., and Germany have leveraged AI to tackle HR challenges, with AI tools automating recruitment processes, enhancing accuracy in performance reviews, and supporting workforce planning. In contrast, African nations, including Kenya, are in the initial stages of adopting these technologies, with challenges like infrastructural limitations and resistance to change slowing progress. The future of HR in Kenya will depend on investments in digital capacity, policy development, and training for HR professionals.This study highlights the need to understand AI's impacts on HR practices and employee performance, especially within the Kenyan context. Addressing infrastructure, training, and policy issues is essential for successful AI integration in HR. A balance between technological benefits and regulatory frameworks will enable Kenyan organizations to leverage AI and automation effectively while safeguarding workforce stability.
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