This study examines the impact of job resources—autonomy, feedback, and social support—on work engagement (WE) and investigates the subsequent influence of WE on turnover intentions (TI) among employees in Malaysia's selected Services sector. Guided by the Job Demands-Resources (JD-R) theory, this research extends existing knowledge by focusing on underexplored subsectors, including wholesale and retail trade, food and beverage, and accommodation. Employing a quantitative, cross-sectional survey approach, data were collected from 150 employees using a combination of online and pen-and-paper surveys. Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) analysis revealed that autonomy, feedback, and social support significantly enhance WE, with social support emerging as the most influential predictor. Furthermore, WE demonstrated a negative relationship with TI, highlighting its role in mitigating employee TI. These findings contribute to the theoretical advancement of JD-R theory by validating its application in a non-Western, Services-oriented context. Practically, the study underscores the importance of fostering autonomy, delivering constructive feedback, and promoting social support to enhance employee WE and reduce TI. By addressing the unique challenges of Malaysia’s Services sector, this research offers actionable insights for improving workforce resilience and organizational sustainability.
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