International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Research on Talent Training Programs for Sports Dance Specializtion in College in China

Open access
The study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of undergraduate training programs in sports dance within higher learning institutions in China. The growing importance of sports dance in Chinese higher education, emphasizing the need for well-structured and comprehensive talent training programs to meet the evolving demands of the industry. The problem addressed is the lack of systematic assessment and evaluation of these programs, leading to potential gaps in curriculum design, teaching methodologies, and resource allocation. Without such assessments, there is a risk of failing to adequately prepare students for the professional demands of sports dance. Using a quantitative approach, the study will employ comprehensive surveys distributed to a wide range of stakeholders, including students, educators, and industry professionals. These surveys will collect data on various aspects of the training programs, such as curriculum content, instructional methods, availability of resources, and overall program effectiveness. The analysis will focus on identifying key strengths and weaknesses, as well as areas for improvement. The expected outcome of this research is to provide evidence-based recommendations for enhancing the curriculum design, teaching methodologies, and resource allocation of sports dance programs. These recommendations aim to bridge the identified gaps, ensuring that the programs are aligned with industry standards and adequately prepare graduates for successful careers in sports dance. Ultimately, this research aspires to contribute to the overall improvement and advancement of sports dance education in China, fostering a new generation of well-trained, competent, and professional sports dance practitioners.
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