This paper integrates data from various databases via a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) to thoroughly examine the relationship between job crafting and employees’ intentions to leave. The research highlights that employees are an essential competitive asset for organizations, significantly contributing to their development and success. Given the intense competition in today's market, talent retention is a major challenge for many global enterprises. Thus, understanding and managing employee intentions to leave is of paramount importance. Job crafting, characterized as an employee-led method for redesigning work, has attracted substantial attention in Human Resource Management and Organizational Behavior studies. Studies show that, unlike traditional static job designs, job crafting empowers employees to shift from being passive recipients to becoming proactive participants. By engaging in self-directed and value-driven career management, employees are encouraged to tailor their job content to meet personal needs, which enhances job satisfaction, well-being, and engagement. This leads to improved individual and organizational performance, resulting in mutual benefits. Moreover, the findings suggest that job crafting serves as a key indicator of employee turnover intentions. Hence, encouraging employee involvement in job crafting can effectively lower turnover rates and significantly impact management practices. It offers a strategic approach to fostering employees' commitment to staying within the organization.
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