Studies have shown TikTok can improve learners’ motivation and confidence in English speaking. Although there have been studies on applying language learning strategies to improve speaking skills, there is still a lack of studies to test the usage of language learning strategies (LLS) on TikTok to practice English speaking skills. This paper explores the relationship between language learning strategies and students' speaking competence with TikTok as a learning tool. Quantitative and qualitative methods were adopted to focus on the impact of language learning strategies on speaking competence. A modified version of the Strategy Inventory of Language Learning (SILL) was used to collect the utility of 403 university students in Beijing on these strategies. Semi-structured interviews were conducted to find the use of language learning strategies by two high-achieving and two low-achieving learners. The results show metacognitive strategies are used most frequently, followed by compensation strategies. Furthermore, compensation strategies significantly correlate with students' speaking competence, followed by affective and social strategies. Among these strategies, high-achieving learners use a wider range of strategies than low-achieving learners. Therefore, the comprehensive use of these strategies is crucial to improving students' speaking competence.
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