This study aims to explore the use of mobile application in enhancing the communication between parents and teachers during the Covid-19 pandemic. The mobile application is specifically designed for Parent Teacher Associations (PTA), named PTA-MA that enable them to manage their activities and hence, communicate with members. Minimum Viable Product (MVP) method was used for the development of prototype of PTA-MA application. Two online surveys using Google Form were conducted in several schools. First survey is to get PTA feedbacks on the willingness to use as well as perceived usefulness of the PTA-MA application. Positive feedbacks from the preliminary survey on the willingness to use had triggered the researcher to develop a prototype of mobile application to be used by PTA to enhance their communication especially during pandemic. As a result, a prototype of PTA-MA was produced. Second online survey was conducted to obtain the PTA's views on the prototype built. The survey showed significant results that at least 80.6% of the respondents are confident that the PTA-MA application is able to further enhance the communication among PTA members and they are also agreed to support the use of PTA-MA by PTA. Therefore, the development and implementation of PTA-MA needs to be treated as a special project because it significantly impacts the schools, PTAs and to the Ministry of Education Malaysia towards the transformation of the education system as stated in the Malaysia Education Blueprint 2013–2025.
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In-Text Citation: (Yahya et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Yahya, N., Halim, H. Z. A., Fauzi, N. F., Khairudin, N. I., & Bakhtiar, N. S. A. (2021). Parent Teacher Associations Mobile Application (PTA-MA) to Enhance Communication among PTA Members During COVID-19 Pandemic. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(10), 1120– 1130.
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