Placing Industry Revolution 4.0 (IR4.0) at the forefront of the digital agenda in all manufacturing industries aims to modernize industrial capability and increase competitiveness. The foodservice industry embraces this current revolution, where digital dining offers mesmerizing experiences by making the trip to restaurants more appealing and interactive. However, it is questionable if Malaysia is ready to adapt or adopt IR4.0 technologies as issues pertaining to equipment, facilities, services, and employees appear as challenges. Thus, this study explores the internal issues and identifies external challenges the QSR restaurants' managerial team faces in implementing the self-ordering kiosk (SOKs). This qualitative research obtained the data from interview sessions with informants from the management team (managers and crews) of QSR restaurants applying SOKs at their places. The interviews were transcribed verbatim and analyzed using thematic analysis. Findings showed that among the internal issues in implementing the SOKs are the insufficient number of employees and limited restaurant space. The customer acceptances, technology restrictions, and the need for regular updates are within the restaurants' external challenges in executing this innovation. In conclusion, the findings of this research can facilitate existing restaurants in managing the technology applied and, at the same time, improve their service in offering a digital dining experience to millennial customers.
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In-Text Citation: (Ishak et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Ishak, F. A. C., Lah, N. A. C., Samengon, H., Mohamad, S. F., & Bakar, A. Z. A. (2021). The Implementation of Self-Ordering Kiosks (SOKs): Investigating the Challenges in Fast Food Restaurants. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(10), 1057–1070.
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