International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Students’ Perspectives on the use of The Atomic Game-Based Learning for Secondary School Chemistry

Open access

Ahmad Farid Najmuddin, Muhammad Faiz Abdullah, Ireen Munira Ibrahim, Siti Salihah Shaffie, Siti Rozanae Ismail, Anisah Abdul Rahman

Pages 1005-1014 Received: 19 Aug, 2021 Revised: 20 Sep, 2021 Published Online: 25 Oct, 2021
Technology has become part of our daily life, where it helps to ease our work, to communicate, get entertainment and even to learn. In education, technology has become essential as it creates a new approach of delivery in teaching and learning. Various approaches were invented or developed by educators to assist learning process. Nowadays, integrating game elements in the educational content is crucial and beneficial not only to the educators but also to the students. Game is one of the alternative methods that offers an interactive teaching and learning. It can increase student’s motivation and excitement to learn on the subject and at the same time encouraging active learning among them. They can access the learning materials at the tip of their finger using smartphones, tablets, mobile computers, and other digital devices. They can create their own study plans, where and when to study at their convenience and it is more effective as compared to the traditional approach. The aim of this study is to examine students’ perspective towards the use of Atomic Game-Based Learning (AGBL) app for secondary school chemistry in assisting their learning activities to the topic of structure on atom. AGBL is an Android based app that was designed and developed by integrating game element in the subject contents to support teaching and learning process. A total of 32 Form 4 students were involved in this study. The findings showed that the app does assists the student to score the in-game quiz as compared to the group of students who learned through hardcopy notes and flash cards. Besides, it also shows that 53% of the students strongly agreed that this app could be used as a tool of delivering the topic to the students. Therefore, this app can be counted as one of the effective approaches in teaching and learning of the chemistry subject.
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In-Text Citation: (Najmuddin et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Najmuddin, A. F., Abdullah, M. F., Ibrahim, I. M., Shaffie, S. S., Ismail, S. R., & Rahman, A. A. (2021). Students’ Perspectives on the use of The Atomic Game-Based Learning for Secondary School Chemistry. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(10), 1005– 1014.