University digital promotional materials act as a communication tool between the university and prospective students. The materials are crucial to entice prospective students and employ the persuasion elements to attract much-needed attention. Nevertheless, there is a breach in the existing literature in which little research has focused on persuasive discourse in Malaysian public universities' promotional materials. The proposed study intends to examine further the different extent of the combination of textual and visual elements used in the digital promotional materials to achieve its persuasive function in the Malaysian public universities' promotional materials. This study will focus on all twenty Malaysian public universities' promotional materials embedded in their institutional website. Metadiscourse analysis will be used to analyse the persuasive elements. All data will be analysed and categorised, and emerging meta-discursive themes will be presented to answer research questions. With great hope, the results of this study can provide further recommendations for interventions from universities' websites and content developers to improve the linguistics presentations to attract larger student enrolment.
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In-Text Citation: (Mohamad et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Mohamad, N. A., Abdullah, N., & Aziz, A. A. A. (2021). An Analysis on the Persuasive Elements in the Malaysian Public Universities’ Digital Promotional Materials. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(10), 954– 966.
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