Online shopping has been around for decades; however, only recently it becomes mainstream, especially during a pandemic. Due to the rise of online shopping activities, the rate of shopping cart abandonment also increases concurrently. This issue damages the e-tailer's business. It causes trillions of dollar losses annually and generates problems such as high advertising costs, signals a poor user experience and impacts website analytics. Thus, this research is conducted to delve into this topic and explain this behaviour among young adults. A self-administered online questionnaire has been conducted and distributed to people in their 20's to '30s, and 255 completed questionnaires were obtained. However, only 252 respondents were analyzed. Regression and correlation analysis documented that organizational tools, entertainment value, and perceived cost were the underlying factors leading to young adults' shopping carts abandonment. These findings will help the e-tailers to understand young adult behaviour towards online shopping and can be treated as indications to lessen shopping cart abandonment.
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In-Text Citation: (Omar et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Omar, N. A., Mad, S., & Sarudin, E. S. (2021). Determining the Appropriate Time Series Model for the Malaysia Stock Price during Continuous Pandemic Waves: Case of COVID-19. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(10), 883 – 894.
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