The consumption of rice in Malaysia are increasing and highly. However, Malaysia’s food self-sufficiency and security are under threat as the adoption and application level of the rice check technology among farmers still require development. This study was done in advance to avoid weak performance at new granary would be just the same as the old granary. This research was aim to determine the level of planning, implementing, monitoring and evaluation (IVs) and work performance (DV) of extension agents in granary areas of Malaysia. The data were collected using quantitative research method. Cluster sampling technique was used to meet 542 respondents from granary areas; IADA KETARA,IADA Seberang Perak, IADA Rompin and IADA Pekan. The data were analysed using SPSS to determine the level of planning, implementing, monitoring and evaluation and work performance of extension agents in granary areas of Malaysia. The finding of this research proved that the level of planning is high while, implementing, monitoring and evaluation of extension agents in both granary areas are in a moderate level. This means that improvement of planning, implementing, monitoring and evaluation will improve the work performance. As a result, in order to improve work performance, extension programmes in granary areas should focus on these three variables. Modules and training should be offered to strengthen the capacity of extension agents in technology transfer in order to realise maximum output potential from both granaries.
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In-Text Citation: (Yusuf et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Yusuf, M. S. A., Hassan, S., Syarifuddin, N., Ramzi, N. I. M., Ismail, N. S., & Yaakob, N. A. (2021). Extension Agent Performance Level in Granary Areas, Malaysia as Perceived by Farmers. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(10), 659–670.
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