This study aims to develop an enhanced model of green practices for the company's sustainability in achieving competitive advantage. The study used the conceptual development framework used two data sources: journal publication (secondary data) and field interview (primary data). The finding of the secondary data revealed ten green practices from the literature review; remanufacturing, eco-design, process design, lean practices, cleaner production, product design, product return practices, product recovery practices, green purchasing, and reverse logistics. However, based on the interviews with the three selected companies in the electrical and electronics industry, it was discovered that only four green practices were the actual practices adopted by the companies: lean practices, product return practices, product recovery practices, and green purchasing. A grounded theory of Natural Resources-based View (NRBV) The model predicted the relationship between green practices and sustainability, green practices and competitive advantage, and the relationship between sustainability in the supply chain and competitive advantage. Therefore, it is anticipated that manufacturing firms with higher green practices adoption can increase sustainability in the supply chain, which eventually attains high competitiveness in the market.
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In-Text Citation: (Norddin et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Norddin, N., Shaharudin, M. R., Akbar, J., Hassam, S. F., & Khalid, S. A. (2021). The Impact of Firm’s Green Practices on the Sustainability in Supply Chain for Competitive Advantage: A Conceptual Framework. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(10), 583–598.
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