International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Deliberation of Gaming Addiction to Physical Activity and Health: A Case Study in South Korea

Open access

Razif Sazali, Siti Shazwani Ahmad Suhaimi, Nur Shuhamin Nazuri, Mohamad Firdaus Ahmad, Lee Jong-Young

Pages 568-582 Received: 06 Aug, 2021 Revised: 30 Aug, 2021 Published Online: 10 Oct, 2021
Every country is working on refining their latest technology to enables people to gain satisfaction in life. Playing games is considered one of the ways to socialize and meet around and create bonding. However, study in South Korea and China revealed that 24% of children in the respective country are diagnosed with heavy internet addiction especially in gaming. Hence, the current study attempted to determine the effect of virtual mobile and computer gaming on physical and health among undergraduate students at the University of Suwon (USW), South Korea. Through a quantitative survey among University of Suwon students, this study confirmed high level of daily routine activity, sleeping disorder, and anxiety. On the other hand, they also have moderate levels of depression and low level of social dysfunction. This study concluded that in general, the undergraduate students in Suwon University have moderate health level and the students are still facing the consequences of the effects of addiction due to heavy usage on mobile and computer gaming.
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In-Text Citation: (Sazali et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Sazali, R., Suhaimi, S. S. A., Nazuri, N. S., Ahmad, M. F., & Jong-Young, L. (2021). Deliberation of Gaming Addiction to Physical Activity and Health: A Case Study in South Korea. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(10), 568– 582.