International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Working During Pandemic: The Factors of Workstation Ergonomics and Complaints for Concerning the Body

Open access

Mas’udah Asmui, Noor Dalila Musa, Mohd Zaidi Mat Saat, Mastura Mohamad, Sharifah Norhuda Syed Wahid

Pages 538-547 Received: 12 Aug, 2021 Revised: 16 Sep, 2021 Published Online: 07 Oct, 2021
Working from home during pandemic has become a new practice after Covid-19 pandemic spreads globally. Education sectors are closed temporarily where academicians are required to conduct online learning session. Working at home has been challenging with less or no ergonomic elements especially on the teaching and learning facilities. The impact of less or zero ergonomics elements at workstation may contribute to short and long-term effects to physical and mental health. Spending long hours at work areas in front of the computer for getting the video and notes ready, composing records and meeting students on computer, sitting on regular seat that existed at home, feeling tense due to computer and technology illiteracy, as well as enduring body torments and stress are among the impacts of working at home during this pandemic. Nonetheless, this new normal needs to be adjusted and adapted immediately. This research aims to investigate the four factors of workstation ergonomic aspects; body position, health level, teaching and learning tools and chair seating that contribute to their body conditions level at early Covid-19 pandemic. Besides, this research focuses to examine the relationship between the four factors and complaints concerning body conditions among academicians in Universiti Teknologi MARA, Pahang Branch when working at home. It was discovered that body posture was the most important aspect of workstation ergonomics despite having a minor impact on academicians' overall body health. Next, academicians' health level played a minor role in workstation ergonomics although it has a significant impact on academicians' complaints about their bodies.
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In-Text Citation: (Asmui et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Asmui, M., Musa, N. D., Saat, M. Z. M., Mohamad, M., & Wahid, S. N. S. (2021). Working During Pandemic: The Factors of Workstation Ergonomics and Complaints for Concerning the Body. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(10), 538– 547.