This study is to remodel on tourist Loyalty based on destination based brand equity for SME Tourism in Malaysia, the customer experience as the mediator. SME Spa tourism is one of the tourism category which are competing with the well-established SME Spa tourism destination in Malaysia. Currently, most of the study is looking at the method or way to motivate or push and pull tourist to choose or visit SME (Spa) tourism in Malaysia, however lack of study were looking at building destination brand based equity in the mind of customer. Which Destination based brand equity are one of the important element before tourist choose their destination, this has been discussed in customer decision making process. The first step for tourist before they plan to go for any destination that they prefer which is under pre trip, most of the most important process that might influence customer final decision making. This study also will be looking at customer experience quality that received by customer as the mediator previously might also influence destination based brand equity and lead to tourist decision making in choosing the best destination for vacation.
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In-Text Citation: (Idrus et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Idrus, S., Yusof, A. Q. M., Eshak, E. S., & Nizam, N. Z. B. (2021). Remodel on Tourist Loyalty Using Destination Based Brand Equity For Sme (SPA) Tourism In Malaysia: Experience Quality as Mediator. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(10), 439–445.
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