This study highlighted the interrelationships that exist among the significant social factors and cultural factors that influence sustainable housing design. Furthermore, sustainable housing design is a vital area in the built environment literature that consist of social, cultural and economic factors. However, literature revealed that problem of sustainable housing design exists due to the imbalance between these influential factors. This study employed quantitative method design to answer research questions and objectives. Firstly, research investigated the direct relationship between socio-cultural values on sustainable housing design in the Gaza strip. Secondly, the research addressed the antecedents of sustainable housing design (SHD) such as family structure (FS), family values (FV), family lifestyle (FLS), privacy (PV), religion and attitude beliefs (RB), safety and security (SS), in explaining SHD and bridged identified gaps in literature. Therefore, current research design in this research study, self- administered survey was applied. Stratified probability sampling was employed to choose the respondents for quantitative. Survey questionnaires were distributed among 384 residents of Gaza. Data of 252 respondents were analyzed through SEM technique using AMOS 22. Quantitative brings important findings based on socio-cultural factors influencing sustainable housing design. The results revealed that both social factors i.e., family structure (FS), family values (FV), family lifestyle (FLS) and cultural factors i.e., privacy (PV), religion beliefs (RB), safety and security (SS) related positively with sustainable housing design (SHD). The findings have revealed that major themes of both social and cultural factors explaining sustainable housing design (SHD). Overall, findings provide comprehensive constructive insight to employ a sustainable housing design framework align with socio-cultural values in Gaza. Finally, future research should use other forms of analysis based on observation etc. and conduct comparative analysis in context of other Arab countries.
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In-Text Citation: (Shehab & Kandar, 2021)
To Cite this Article: Shehab, A. M. A., & Kandar, M. Z. (2021). Socio-Cultural Values Influences on the Housing Design towards Sustainable Community in the Gaza Strip. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(10), 427–438.
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