Inventory management is pivotal in an effective and efficient organization. And it is also vital in the control of materials and goods that have to be held for later use in the case of production or later exchange activities in the case of services. Therefore, this study was conducted to measure the critical factors that helping in achieving the effectiveness of inventory management in the warehouse. Three factors that were involved in this study which are knowledge and skills, documentation and funding. In gathering the data, a set of the questionnaire is distributed to the respective respondent that was related to this area. To analyse the data Statistical Product and Service Solution (SPSS) were used by focusing on correlation and regression analysis. This study is conducted to contribute to the company and to other organizations that find a solution to their inventory problem. Moreover, with this study it helps the company to identify major factors and to solve the inventory issues in the company. Furthermore, the result in this study gives empirical impact on the company in handling inventory. They can refer to this study as a guideline to prepare pre-alert planning to enhance their daily task to achieve the effectiveness of inventory management. By achieving it, they can reduce inventory issues such as missing item, misplaced item and short item.
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In-Text Citation: (Tarudin et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Tarudin, N. F., Adlan, M. A. A., Abd Latif, A., & Khairi, M. A. T. (2021). Measuring the Critical Factors in Achieving the Effectiveness of Inventory Management in Warehousing. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(10), 313–323.
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