Volunteering is a fast-paced endeavour that takes place all over the world. Today, there are numerous efforts to classify volunteer organizations based on a variety of criteria. The capitalist model of the self as an enterprise as a portfolio to be created characterizes both working and unemployed people as having to invest in their skills and networks continuously. The present study investigated the motives of employed and unemployed volunteers’ participation in SEA Games 2017. Quantitative analysis was used based on an online questionnaire through Google Form conducted with randomly selected volunteers in SEA Games (N=372) for this study. The questionnaire was adapted and adopted from Volunteer Function Inventory by Clary et al (1998) to assess the motivation of sport volunteers at the event. The data obtained were analyzed using descriptive analysis and Independent T-test to meet the research objective. Understanding (M = 4.53) had the highest mean among the volunteers' motivations, followed by the value (M = 4.46). The result shows that no statistically significant difference in general volunteer motivation (t =.650, p > 0.05) based on work position. Between employed and unemployed volunteers, there was a significant difference in terms of value (t = 2.503, p 0.05) and career (t = -1.049, p 0.05) for the sub-dimension of volunteer motivation. This finding is critical to comprehend volunteer intentions to assist hosting organizations in delivering appropriate results that benefit two or more parties that are directly and indirectly involved in volunteerism. The best understanding of volunteer intentions could contribute to increased knowledge of the benefits of volunteering and increased volunteer retention in the future. A wide range of motivations in volunteering needs to be studied further on uncommon volunteers’ backgrounds such as level of income, level of education, and employment status, especially for employed volunteers.
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In-Text Citation: (Mahmood et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Mahmood, N. A., Alauddin, A. N. M., & Lamat, S. A. (2021). Motives of Employed and Unemployed Volunteers Participation in Sea Games 2017. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(10), 220–232.
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