International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Why Should I Stay? Prediction on Factors Influence Employee Intention to Stay in Fast Food Restaurants in Malaysia

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Fast-food industry is one of the most rapidly growing markets in Malaysia with high workforce jobs. Despite employees are the key and vital asset to the fast food industry's business, but employee turnover has been viewed as the industry's critical issue that needs attention. When the company loses talented employees, it will impact the companies' performance and operating cost. As such, the purpose of this study is to predict the potential factors that influence employees’ intention to stay in fast food industry. In this study, the relationship between organizational commitments (OC), perceived supervisor support (PSS), reward system (RS) with employees’ intention to stay were studied. This study employed quantitative research approach and a total of 216 questionnaires was distributed to the employees who were currently working in the fast food restaurants in Selangor, Malaysia. This study employed convenient sampling and 196 usable responses were returned for a 90.7 percent of response rate. The collected data was analyzed by using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 23. A multiple regression was run to predict intention to stay with the three variables above and results found that 44.3% of variance in fast foods restaurants’ employees was explained by organizational commitments (OC), perceived supervisor support (PSS), reward system (RS). Additionally, findings obtained from this study found that OC, PSS, and RS were positively correlated with employee’s intention to stay with their current fast food restaurants. The findings are expected to help restaurant operators and human resource managers at the headquarters in developing and improving employee retention strategies in fast food restaurants and ultimately reduce turnover.
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In-Text Citation: (Ghazali & Roslan, 2021)
To Cite this Article: Ghazali, H., & Roslan, N. (2021). Why Should I Stay? Prediction on Factors Influence Employee Intention to Stay in Fast Food Restaurants in Malaysia. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(10), 206–219.