International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Impact of Working from Home Induced by Covid 19 On Working Women in Harare, Zimbabwe

Open access
Working from home (WFH) can be a challenge as well especially in third world countries due to economic constrains as some people cannot afford gadgets and internet. Women are not spared as well as they are involved in multi-task. Drawing from employee isolation literature, this paper aimed to examine the impact of working from home on female employees during the imposed lockdown. Qualitative research was employed and in-depth interviews with 25 working women from different professions were conducted to gather data. Purposive and convenient sampling was used to select 25 working women from different professions and data was analyzed using MAXQDA software. The research finds out that, women are working overtime due their gender roles as caregiver and the fact that they are mothers, daughters, aunt, sisters, and daughter in-laws they end up involving in multi-task since they are at home, they find it is difficult to convince people that they are working since they will be at home and they cannot ignore visitors during working hours since women are known for their hospitality role in the family hence resulting in mental exhaustion. The study recommended more studies to be carried out on the impact of working from home to assist policy makers on the way forward during Covid 19 era.
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In-Text Citation: (Gatsi et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Gatsi, O., Devi, A., & Devi, R. (2021). The Impact of Working from Home Induced by Covid 19 On Working Women in Harare, Zimbabwe. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(10), 48–53.