Generalised pathological Internet use (GPIU) is about the impact of social context on intensive Internet use. Previous studies found conflicting results in explaining this phenomenon among undergraduates with low self-concept clarity (SCC), in which they may utilise the social function of the Internet intensively to encounter the developmental task of information-seeking or social recognition. Since there are many young adults who use internet extensively, and studies in related field among undergraduates in Malaysia is at scarce, therefore the current study aims to examine the relationship between SCC and GPIU among undergraduates in Malaysia. A total of 480 undergraduates between the ages of 20 and 24 were recruited as respondents. Data were collected using a self-administered questionnaire with established instruments to measure the level of SCC and GPIU. Undergraduates with higher level of SCC had lower tendency to be involved in GPIU. Furthermore, SCC was the strongest predictor for GPIU, followed by number of hours spent on Internet per week and CGPA. Undergraduates in Malaysia exhibited interest to imply rich information and social platforms on Internet to improvise self-concept, rather than non-purposive usage of GPIU which need attention from related parties. The consistency of undergraduates pertaining to SCC warrant reinforcement.
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In-Text Citation: (Hung & Juhari, 2021)
To Cite this Article: Hung, T. K., & Juhari, R. (2021). Relationship between Self-concept Clarity and Generalised Pathological Internet Use among Undergraduates in Malaysia. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(11), 2427–2445.
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